What do we offer?


We provide the full spectrum of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) in one company

together with a multidisciplinary team of technologists, developers, advisors and consultants.

Develop, maintain and evaluate


We develop, maintain and evaluate related products, web services and provide long-term assistance and advice on technological and operational matters for our partners worldwide.



We offer advice on the strategic deployment of blockchain & DLT technologies based on a thorough analysis of your company’s profile.



We assess the potential of blockchain technology in your company and discuss possibilities of optimization.



We support you throughout the entire process of integration and adaptation of blockchain technology into your already existing company network.



We provide you with the programming of scalable and distributed applications and custom-built protocols.

Create strategy


We speed up your team’s understanding of the blockchain and its potential opportunities for your business and help you to create a blockchain strategy you can use today.

Blockchain & DLT services offered


  • Custom Blockchain Development
  • Blockchain Security
  • Asset Digitization
  • Payments & Transactions
  • Smart Systems & Data Storage
  • Content Distribution & Intellectual Property

Validate Your Business Idea with Our MVP


Crucial part of building a product customer needs and is willing to pay is creating a prototype of your product that enables you to test the reaction of your potential customer. This is where we step in with our Minimum Viable Products to help your idea breakthrough and generate instant success.

Our Approach


All our projects start with a business clinic, in order to help you determine whether the blockchain could provide a benefit to your business or industry. We have subject matter experts in various industry and digital sectors.

An initial feasibility study aims at collaborating with your team to develop a base case and various scenarios implementing the blockchain and clearly show the performance delta between the two. We will also provide an estimate of costs–both financial and time–required to achieve each of those scenarios.

  • <h1>Our Projects</h1>

    Our Projects

  • Advisory Board Leadership of ICO Crowdfunding and Technology integration of Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies

    Advisory Board Leadership of ICO Crowdfunding and Technology integration of Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies

    We provide long-term development plan for Quantler, the software company that aims to build a decentralized Robo Advisory network for hosting thematic based Quant Funds in Equities, ETFs and Cryptocurrencies.

    We are in charge of:

      • Support to the ICO crowdfunding mechanism and Investor relationships (legal/regulatory, technical, marketing);
      • Technology integration of Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies for a decentralized Robo-Advisory framework;
      • Gap analysis of the Investment Management and Robo Advisory in the FinTech landscape;
      • Innovation Management, Product Strategies and Management through the creation of a dedicated Advisory Team.

  • FinTech Support with Blockchain based Technology Platform

    FinTech Support with Blockchain based Technology Platform

    Support to an Investment Fund active in Structured Trading and Commodity Trading.
    IT architecture design of a blockchain based platform to secure efficiency, cryptography of the documents and contracts.

    The Fintech support to the business model also involves:

      • Fintech megatrends and investment analysis;
      • Gap analysis in TradeTech, FinTech and RegTech for Trade Finance;
      • Technology matrix assessment for a DLT Trade Finance platform;
      • Functional analysis of the Trade Finance technology framework;
      • Business plan of the make-or-buy development strategies;
      • Assessment of investments and potential co-investments/synergies with IKB and other technology brokers.

  • Algorithmic Trading Framework Creation

    Algorithmic Trading Framework Creation

    Supporting Crypto Investment and Blockchain Fund in the creation of a Algorithmic Trading framework for Cryptocurrencies investment and hedging.
    Short-term forecasting of cryptocurrencies price using artificial intelligence (AI) with the emphasis on Bitcoin.
    Resulting accuracy was above 70% for direction-wise prediction on short-term basis (10 minutes).
    Blockchain Ethereum contracts development, deployment and code review.

  • Integration of Disruptive Technologies

    Integration of Disruptive Technologies

    We help new Startups accelerate based on technology4equity and Venture Builder mechanisms.
    With ongoing fundraising, and project pilots we create an innovation structure to support the serial integration of Disruptive Technologies (vertical Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, IoT, and Big Data).

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