Who we are

Industry Knowledge Brokers is a new approach to industry services, comprising a combination of the typical features of Consultancy, Technology Brokerage and Venture Builders.
With a global network of the finest professional experts we are “A knowledge designed network for industry designed knowledge”.

Our pillars

Knowledge, Technology and Innovation. We believe the management of these three components is at the heart of every modern organization.
As the world experiences a phase of radical business changes driven by resources optimization and technology disruption, our focus is developing financial and trading organizations by the following:

Consulting_ikbrokersTARGETED CONSULTANCY

We offer targeted consulting in specific sectors provided entirely by professionals with elevated seniority. Every project team is designed for optimal resource allocation.


We integrate business with the latest in cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art advances.

Consulting_ikbrokersKNOWLEDGE TRANSFER

We have the support of a dedicated network of 8000+ professionals, including the best business professionals, technology specialists and internationally known scientists.


Your Vision is Our Mission

We constitute a “one stop shop” for industry to  access the best knowledge, technology and innovation streams in the market. 
By using and  an industry and practitioners oriented approach, here at IKBrokers we continuously monitor the state-of-the-art in our reference sectors to foster the knowledge and technology transfer between the Financial Industry, the Research environement and the startups’ ecosystem, specifically FinTech, DataTech, TradeTech and EnerTech

We aim to serve the modern industries by setting an innovative standard for Knowledge Transfer, efficient consultancy, financial technology development and science | business integration.

Our team


We work with major oil, gas and utility companies, airlines, banks, private trading houses and industrial firms across a number of global locations.
Among our previous projects:

Energy & Utility

  • Enel
  • Sorgenia
  • Erg
  • Romagna energia
  • Bixia
  • a2a

Finance, Banking & System Integrators

  • Intesa Sanpaolo
  • Num
  • Numerix
  • OpenLink
  • Selex
  • Ginini antipode
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